
Well landing right now…..back to peace. All that drama in my head yesterday, the storm I whipped the nervous system into…..and when I arrived over yesterday to the site it had all been peacefully resolved. No problem at all.

That drama wasn’t necessary other than to show me that it’s not necessary. Okay well let’s keep on learning that one till it sinks in. I am learning though, I see with the previous client I learned not to get upset when she was as I could easily resolve her worries.

I didn’t have a lot else to do yesterday, 2 clients had already rescheduled so lots of space. I went for a very warm afternoon lovely walk to the allotment to do some watering and weeding then on foot to the park. Gorged myself on the fresh raspberries growing in my little garden. What a privilege. I was delighted to find a baby newt when I was clearing out some pond weed.

In the evening was the Eckhart Tolle book club which was highly enjoyable and nutritious spiritually and emotionally. I put an invitation on my fb website asking if any Eckhart students would like to join another book club,mid like to do more of that studying together. Thinking we would start with the Power of Now.

What else. Well today I have 3 therapy clients starting shortly and one is in the park in the afternoon. Going to be diving back into silence and stillness.


  1. It’s satisfying when we can return ourselves to peace and understand we are human, imperfect humans on this journey of discovering love in all its aspects. I read the power of now with a group back in the early 2000’s. It has many gems, but mostly I listen to my own information and enjoy being and things❤️ Wishing you a happy day Susan x much love

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    1. It’s a way I’ve found of socialising I think mostly for me that doesn’t involve alcohol or pubs and while doing something of mutual interest

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