The Magic of Self Love ❤️

Each morning in the early hours when I stir from sleep I say some of the phrases from my list. And each time the effect is calming and often exceedingly soothing. I feel present and aware, strong and loved.

It’s like magic sauce. A key to another world of no longer criticising myself, or being in some way resistant to being me. Out with the mistaken idea that there’s something wrong with me, needs to be improved, fixed.

Out with the deficiency story. The end of the war within. I’m enjoying the journey and the relaxation of inner constriction. Very exciting and thrilling.

I love you

I respect you

I care about you

I want the best for you

I appreciate you

I like you

I value you

I’m here for you

You are held

You are safe

You are not alone

You are lovable

You are accepted

I support you

I believe in you

I love you

You are cared for

I embrace you

You are loved

I respect myself

I am lovable

I am enough

I like myself

I care about myself

I am here for myself

I have got my own back

I’m grateful to myself

I love myself

I approve of myself

I am safe

I value myself

I accept myself

I trust myself

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